F3a World Championship Pensacola 1983 in USA. Canadian competitor Ivan Kristensen with his two competition ‘Citation’ aircraft. It was a design by former world champion Yoshioka. The aircraft had a wingspan of 1.68 metres and a flying weight of 3.68 kg. Equipped with an OS 61 VR ABC, he flew to an excellent 4th place. His radio control system was a Futaba PCM. #ivankristensen #citation #osmax #futaba #pensacola83 #f3a #rc1 #fai #ama
Rubin – the model on the photo is the original model of Roland Matt. It was his A- FAI model of his world championship participation. This model was built by Nishioka from Japan. Today this model is owned by Nello Nero from Switzerland. On the photo the proud owner with his Rubin. I know Nello few years. He is one of my closely collector friends. The image was taken at Retrodays 2021 in Pfaeffikon. #rubin #wolfgangmatt #rolandmatt #f3a #mfgpfaeffikon #retrodays #nellonero
Long-time former German F3a champion Guenter Hoppe at the start of the Igo Etrich Cup in Kraiwiesen (Salzburg / Austria) 1967. #guenterhoppe #igoetrichcup #salzburg #f3a #fai
Peter Erang flys our ARF Marabu #marabu #leomotion #brunogiezendanner #petererang #f3a #rc1 #wc1971 #doylestown1971
Pensacola World F3A Championships 1983 / USA. After Emil Giezendanner quit competition flying in the F3A class, the Swiss team also competed with a new team member – Hugo Peyer, who alongside Rene Schumacher and Bruno Giezendanner was fighting for points this time. The photo shows the Swiss pilot Hugo Peyer with his world championship model ‘Marvin’, not in 1983 but at the 2021 Retroday of the Pfaeffikon model flying club. #marvin #hugopeyer #mfgpfaeffikon #retroday #leomotion
This beautiful Bertolani construction “Komet 1” was build by Luciano Battoccolo from Monte San Vito / Italy. The photo was taken in 1983. These model was equipped with a Picco 60 RE, an external tuned pipe, original Bertolani retracts and a Rossi-JR remote control system. The airplane has excellent flight characteristics, it flies like on rails. The “Comet” still exists today and is part of Luciano’s collection. #comet #benitobertolani # rc1 #f3a #lucianobattaccolo
Here is a photo of Guenter Hoppe’s Superstar. In the background from left to night: Guenter Hoppe, Henry Haigh and Werner Schweiker. The Germans Hoppe and Schweiker were participants in the T.O.C.’s, Henry Haigh was the builder of the man-carrying Superstar with which he won the World Aerobatic Championship later in 1988.. This photo was taken during the Tournament of Champions 1984 in Las Vegas / USA. #guenterhoppe #wernerschweiker #henryhaigh #superstar #toc1984 #tournamentofchampions #lasvegas