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Dieter Stukenbrock`s Spider

Dieter Stukenbrock, known as a top pilot from the early days of RC1X flying, was an F3A Bundesliga pilot in the seventies. He was a member of the same club as Günter Hoppe, the MFC Lemgo. The flying site on the Kleeberg was one of the strongholds of aeromodelling.

Like almost all top pilots at the time, Dieter also had his own designs.

He called his RC1 model aircraft of the time, which he built himself, ‘Spider’.

Spider, equipped with Webra Speed 61, wingspan 1.6 metres, fitted with a KDH retractable undercarriage.

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from left Rolf Kröger and Dieter Stukenbrock, both with ‘Spider’

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Dieter’s ‘Spider’ at the start


Early eighties: Collision in the sky with another model aircraft, here the result.


Dieter Stukenbrock and Classicpattern editor at the award ceremony 1981 F3AX


Dieter with his legendary YAK50. Later, a kit of this aircraft was offered by Günther Metterhausen.

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